Say Good-Bye to Hormonal Acne!

Posted on 下午3:21, under

Remember growing up and hearing adults say not to eat too much chocolate because it causes acne??? That statement made my chocoholics’ heart stop in its tracks! How could something so wonderful do something so awful? And especially during that time of the month where chocolate tastes like salvation??? 
Well, it turns out that it wasn’t chocolate per se (whew!!), but acne that appears at that time of the month when we’re eating the most chocolate has an internal, hormonal component. 
There are many causes and concerns with hormone balance, simply because they are so incredibly intricate. Our physicians don’t even fully understand this delicate and complicated system of the body, but we do see the impact on our energy levels, menstruation / PMS, weight, and yes, skin. And not only do our bodies produce hormones, but so many environmental factors impact the balance (or lack thereof) of our hormones. 
Sounds complicated, huh? 
Just as much as the food we eat impacts our skin, so can herbs, particularly those that promote healing and fight inflammation. Watching our clients fighting persistent, treatment resistant acne can be incredibly frustrating. Pure Skin by Maggie was founded with a desire to help our clients have beautiful skin. That is why we continue to study and learn more about the body and expand not only our treatment options, but also items our clients can take home to continue the healing. 
Our most recent product, Pure Skin Capsules, are designed to help our clients see beautiful skin, whether their concern is aging, inflammatory issues, or hormone related acne. With a blend of anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, and balancing herbs, these capsules work from within to combat skin concerns. The battlefield for beautiful skin is not confined to what we put on our face! 
The benefits of the ingredients in Pure Skin Capsules are powerful:
  • Chinese Saffron Extract – This amazing herb assists the body in the detoxifying process and helps slow the aging process while promoting blood circulation and acting as an anticoagulant. As a bonus, it also helps with menstrual cramps, aids endometrial blood clot elimination and helps prevent amenorrhea.
  • Ginseng Extract – Well known for its benefits in helping boost low energy levels because of its ability to increase fatty acid metabolism to produce energy, it also has powerful detoxification properties.
  • Brazilian Mushroom Powder (Sporocarp): Enhances the body’s immune system and may be able to combat cancerous cells.
  • New Zealand Lactoferrin: Contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, inhibiting the effects of many viruses and infections. In addition, this glucoprotein helps eliminate the body of excess free radicals and reduces inflammation.
  • Chaste Berry Extract (Vitex Agnus): Balances the naturally occurring hormones throughout the body by helping the master-hormone glands, the hypothalamus and pituitary. Studies have shown women who have taken Chaste Tree Berry for 3 consecutive months see a significant reduction or elimination of their PMS symptoms.
  • Red Clover Extract: An anti-inflammatory herb for the skin, red clover contains the highest levels of natural isoflavones, including four types of botanical isoflavone hormones, supplementing the body’s hormone insufficiency. As a bonus – it’s also very good for the heart. 
  • Damiana Leaf Extract: Rather than simply adding to or replacing hormone insufficiency, this extract helps the body’s endocrine (hormone) system to self-regulate secretion.
By working with your body’s natural functions, providing it with the power and nutrition of the amazing herbs that have helped people for thousands of years, you have one more tool in your arsenal of beautiful skin and a healthier life!

As amazing as herbs and supplements are, let me state that nothing replaces seeking the help of a physician who is versed in the functions and balances of our hormones. There is quite a bit that we can do on our own, by listening to our bodies, both in diet, exercise and supplements to see what works / doesn’t work. But, please, if you have a serious concern, do some research, be your own advocate, and find a good doctor to help guide you through healing.

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