Do you suffer from eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, skin rashes, or itchy skin? Would you like a gentle, natural supplement that promotes healing in the skin? Gotu Kola, a rejuvenating nervine, in its various forms has been used extensively for thousands of years in treating a lot of physical conditions such as hepatitis, stomach ulcers, mental fatigue, epilepsy and diarrhea. Even extremely serious conditions such as syphilis, rheumatism, leprosy and mental illness improve with the use of this herb.
Recent studies have confirmed the traditional uses of this herb, but have also shown its benefits in healing the skin by cleansing the blood to treat impurities and strengthening adrenal glands. Studies also confirm gotu kola’s ability to speed the healing of wounds and burns. It also improves blood flow while strengthening veins and capillaries. Gotu Kola is also very effective in the treatment of cellulite and keloids by slowing down the process of the natural hardening of the connective tissues beneath the skin’s surface that causes cellulite.
The applications for this supplement are varied and continued research confirms more. A supplement that helps to combat stress and depression, high blood pressure and anxiety, while treating some very difficult skin conditions is a must for anyone interested in natural healing for their body.
We carry Solgar supplements at Pure Skin by Maggie, including Gotu Kola. Call to make an appointment for an evaluation of your skin and see whether this herb might be part of an effective treatment for your skin. Pure skin from the inside out is something we strongly believe in and encourage all of our clients to consider.