We look in the mirror and we don’t see what we used to see. That flawless, unlined, youthful appearance that we took for granted in our teens, twenties, and thirties. Where did the time go? And why does it have to show up in some areas more prominently than others? 
When strolling in Waikiki or Ala Moana, we see images of youthful beauty in the store windows, and, while intellectually, we know there was post-production editing involved, it doesn’t factor strongly in the mental comparisons game. We all want to look and feel attractive and strong – at whatever age and stage we are in! Eating healthy, exercise, drinking water, taking care of the only body and skin we will ever have. 
But have you ever felt like it wasn’t quite enough? Facing the mirror chips away at self-confidence a little every day. Often, we start to consider “the big guns,” a.k.a. cosmetic surgery. Maybe thinking it’s worth the risks if it restores that vivacity and confidence from a few years ago… Cosmetic surgery IS tempting. 
Sometimes, stopping the damage of that mirror and those comparisons, admittedly a multi-layered challenge, begins with time for self-care and action in one small area. 
However, before making a permanent decision with risks that don’t always outweigh the rewards, we have some great news for you: technology is catching up with surgery!! There are options out there for those pesky signs of aging that are completely safe and just as effective as what a surgeon could offer. And for those who have already gone through cosmetic surgery and want a ‘refresh,’ there are options available that do not involve further surgery and injections! 
Maggie, our founder and a dedicated esthetician, is committed to first, listening to the needs and wants of our clients, then, researching and bringing the most effective treatments to the clients in our Honolulu spa. Notice we didn’t say “newest!” We stay on top of technology, but we do not offer treatments until they have been proven both safe and effective. 
Time Rewind Tightening Treatment – The Non-Surgical Face Lift
Since 2009, we have brought many treatment options into the spa to help clients with aging skin concerns. After seeing the results of this treatment, though, we are very excited to offer such an effective treatment for tightening, contouring and lifting aging skin!
This non-invasive face lift is a technological breakthrough using micro- and macro-ultrasound energy to deeply and safely activate skin’s natural regenerative process. This treatment protects the skin while precisely and deeply penetrating, treating beyond the epidermis and dermis to the subcutaneous and SMAS ‘foundation’ layers, the source of structural weakness. 
What does this deep penetration mean for our clients? This treatment can effectively resolve
  • Double chins
  • Ill-defined jawlines
  • Skin laxity
  • Eye bags
  • Wrinkles, including crow’s feet and other ‘v-lines’
  • Décolletage 
  • Body skin sagging on the arm, back, belly, thigh, love handle
During treatment, clients see an immediate lift due to collagen contraction and denaturation. However, the truly dramatic results occur over time. After treatment, as the tissue repairs and the body synthesizes new collagen, clients see tissue tightening and lifting over a period of up to 12 months. Best results are seen with treatments 3 – 4 times a year. 
Through this complete collagen remodeling, it really does look and feel like we have turned back time! 
Note: While this treatment is safe for all skin types, it is contraindicated for those who are pregnant or have a pacemaker. 

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