Okay, let’s be brutally honest here. We’re all aging. And none of us like it. No matter how old you are, getting out of bed in the morning is not as easy as it was 5 or 10 years ago. The joints creak, energy never seems as high…and then, there’s our skin. Where did the wrinkles come from? The crepe paper eyelids? Those spots? And please oh please, how do we get rid of them – or at least slow them down?

Ever had one of THOSE conversations in your head? I sure have. Realizing that my illusion of more time is just that – an illusion. And then there are the conversations – why oh why didn’t I listen to my mother about sunblock and moisturizer and good skin care when I was younger? Especially with our beautiful Hawaii sunshine. (We’ll stay away from the sneaky gray hairs for today.)

If we are going to accept that this has happened, do we have to accept it, period? That it is inevitable and unavoidable? NO!! And double NO!! And, NO, surgery is not the answer either!

We are so lucky to live in an age of incredible research and skin care options. The more scientists research, the more we learn what our skin needs and how to provide it, with precision (minus the surgery – thank goodness!).

The keys to all of the wonderful science we have are knowledge and application. Knowledge because we have to know not only what claims are true and which are false but also we have to know what our skin individual needs so we don’t accept a "one size fits all" approach. Application because all the amazing science in the world profits nothing if it is mis-used. If at all possible – work with a professional esthetician for both the invaluable knowledge and necessary application.

Let’s take one of our signature treatments for example – the Vital Infusion Treatment. This treatment itself is good for all skin types, however, the actual infusion (application) is customized to each client’s actual skin needs (knowledge).
While someone with oily, acne prone skin does not need the same infusion that someone with dry skin and rosacea does, all skin types need good skin care and extra "boosts" with good skin treatments.
While we all need proper hydro-balance for our skin in order to keep those aging signs at bay for as long as possible, the nutrients necessary for each of us may differ depending on skin condition and age.
While all skin needs collagen to be wrinkle free, plump and beautiful (it is an essential, natural building block, after all) we may need it in different places.

Science is the best friend of aging skin – but let’s use it to its fullest advantage! Start off with the mantras "never assume" and "never stop learning" – never assume that you know what is best for your skin (unless you have a degree!) and never stop learning what options are out there, being uncovered for your benefit!

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