Before…and After Sun Damage

Posted on 凌晨12:10, under

                                                 Before                                        After
                                                     Before                                     After

Watching a client’s skin transform and their self-confidence blossom before our eyes is one of the joys of our business. Pure Skin by Maggie was born from a desire to help others and we love to watch the process! 

The client in these photos graciously allowed us to share her story here on the blog & on Facebook. She came to us several months ago with hyperpigmentation, melasma and sun damage. After eight years using one skin care line, she made a choice to stop and noticed that the brown spots on her face were getting progressively darker. As with many of us, her first stop was the dermatologist’s office who recommended expensive laser treatments. Once again, there was no positive change and the discoloration continued to get worse and to spread. 

For this client, we began with a series of four Bio Peels, a treatment that utilizes natural Spongilla crystals blended with vitamins and minerals that penetrates the skin and continues working for 48 hours after the treatment. By the fourth treatment, our client’s friends could tell that her skin looked cleaner and there was a noticeable lightening of the discoloration. We followed the Bio Peel with 4 Vitamin C + E treatments, which moisturizes and nourishes with Vitamin E while the power of Vitamin C goes to work removing discolorations. 

In addition to the treatments at the salon, our client committed to a new start on her skin care regimen as well as taking specific vitamin supplements for her skin conditions. By treating both internally and externally, her skin receives all the nourishment and help on a daily basis that it needs to heal. Step one for the daily external treatments? Sunscreen. Every client we see, this is our first recommendation. Sunscreen is a preventative step that many people see as unimportant once the damage has been done. However, it is crucial to preventing the damage from becoming worse. She has also been using Vitamin C serum daily and a serum infusion mask specifically for hydrating and lightening skin twice a week. EGF (epidermal growth factor) capsules are another tool in our arsenal to prevent and correct hyperpigmentation and melanoma. Used once a day, EGF accelerates the growth of new skin cells, speeds wound healing, and acts as a powerful antioxidant. 

We’ve seen many clients who have had expensive laser treatments with no results or a worsening of their symptoms. That is NOT what you expect when you go to a dermatologist. Contrary to common misconceptions, help from a qualified esthetician can result in change even in difficult skin conditions and sun damage. Natural products that promote healing should be your first step when dealing with skin damage; lasers should be the last resort. Prevention is the first goal of good skin care. However, when damage is there, healing the skin is the goal, not just blasting away the “symptoms” or “results” of the damage. Whenever the skin can heal, obviously with some help, then you can return to a regimen that includes prevention instead of a focus on correction. 

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1 Reply to "Before…and After Sun Damage"

  • Unknown on 2015年5月14日 凌晨3:20

    Is this sun damage treatment safe?

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